Waterloo Region Nordic Sports Club Notice of AGM — June 19 6:30pm

The Annual General Meeting for WRNSC will be held at Rockway Community Centre on Wednesday, June 19 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held upstairs in the Heritage Room. Please send an email message to Ken Campbell if you plan to attend the AGM (so we can make sure that we have appropriate seating). kccampbell@golden.net

All members are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity to learn about your Club as well as your chance to nominate and vote for the next Board of Directors. For members under 18, a parent or guardian may act as a voting member. See bylaws for details.

All of our Board members are volunteers, who are elected each year at the AGM. This year we expect that our Board may expand from 7 members to a maximum of 12 members. We typically have 6-8 Board meetings during the year. Many Board members also take on a variety of administrative tasks during the year. If you are interested in joining the Board, please contact Ken Campbell, preferably before Sunday, June 9. 

Please note club members should have received an email with financial statements, agenda, etc. If you haven’t received these documents and are interested, please contact Ken Campbell.