John Gotwals and Kennedy Hamilton are looking for individuals who are over the age of 16 years and who currently participate in recreational trail running or cross-country skiing to participant in a sport psychology study.
John Gotwals and Kennedy Hamilton are sport psychology researchers at Lakehead University. They are looking for participants in a study. The study examines how motivation and awareness during trail running and cross-country skiing interact to predict mental health-related benefits of these activities. Attached are some promotional materials for the study. To recruit participants, they’re trying to reach people who consistently take part in recreational trail running or cross-country skiing. You all probably fit that description.
Taking part in the study involves completing an online survey that will take about 20 minutes.
If you’re interested in participating, click the link provided below. There you’ll be presented with more information about the study and given the opportunity to take part.
If you participate in the study, your responses will be anonymous and confidential. This means that we will not know who participates and who doesn’t and will not have access to any of your responses. The choice is yours and it will in no way affect our relationship or your experience in our sport. If you have any questions, you can contact John and/or Kennedy. Their contact information is provided in the online survey and on the attached poster.
Finally, John and Kennedy would love help spreading word about the study. So, if you know anyone else that might be interested in taking part, feel free to pass on the study’s promotional material and survey link.