Highlands Nordic Ski Trip on Saturday, February 1st, 2014

The WRNSC and the Grand Valley Trails Association (GVTA) are organizing the 8th annual ski trip, via a comfortable Ayr’s coach bus, to Highlands Nordic (www.highlandsnordic.ca ) on Saturday, February 1st, 2014. Highlands Nordic has 25 km of impeccably groomed trails for classic and skate skiing that will impress all levels of skier. For a different pace, there’s also a toboggan hill (bring you own toboggan, but no GT Racers or stand-on sleds) and 7 km of snowshoe trails (http://www.highlandsnordic.ca/services.cfm).  The ski centre also provides equipment rentals, pro & service shops, change rooms, waxing facilities and a full service cafeteria that offers hot meals & fresh baked goods.

Advanced registration is required. A minimum of 35 participants are required to register, along with payment, by Friday January 17th, 2014. Trip cost includes bus fare & ski trail fee. The fee is non-refundable, unless the trip is cancelled. 

Fee for WRNSC members: Adults – $40; Children over 6 & Youths (18 & under) – $25; Children 6 & under – $12.  Fee for Adult non-members is $48.

Make your cheque payable to the “Waterloo Region Nordic Sports Club“, and mail it to: WRNSC, P.O. Box 40031, Waterloo, ON N2J 4V1. Please include the number of participants, with their names, age group, contact phone #  and e-mail address.

Skiers will be picked up in Waterloo, at Conestoga Mall. Departure is 8:15 am. Park vehicles at the parking lot north of Target (the old Zellers store). Enter off of Conestoga Road – the parking lot will be to the left. Park as far away from the building as possible.
The approximate arrival time back to K-W is 6 PM.

To register, or if you have any questions, please contact Greg at info@wrnsc.ca.