Online Registration for the 2014-2015 Season is Now Open!

Online registration for the upcoming 2014 – 2015 season is now available. Just go to the menu item titled “Programs & Membership” and then click on Online Registration. This will take you directly to the WRNSC’s Zone 4 registration site.

Year End Celebration and Banquet, Sunday April 6

You are cordially invited the Year End Celebration and Banquet Sunday, April 6, 2014; CampHeidelberg (2001 Kressler Road, Woolwich) 4:00-5:00 Equipment Return, Socializing and Dining Room St-Up Return all rental equipment in clean condition. Should you need wax remover, we gladly help you. 5:00-5:45: Potluck Dinner Bring your utensils, china, and table cloth and a … Read more

Managed to renovate a little powder on all the trails. I left the existing tracks untouched as it is unlikely I could improve them. With the anticipated 2-5 cm tonight the conditions should improve markedly. The trails are firm and hard packed. There is an icy section on the woodland trail, but the cemetary loop … Read more

Last day of skiing for spring 2013!  The service road is skiable and parts of the woods are passable if you’re willing to run over the brown spots.  The woods are only recommended for advanced skiers.

Today you will find freshly groomed and packed powder …. in your dreams. Last night all of the upper trails and fields were given a once over with the renovator. We will need some fresh stuff to set tracks (by Wednesday hopefully) as the base is mostly an unworkable sheet of ice. Otherwise, quite ski-able. … Read more