Trail Conditions, Feb. 2

We are back in business; the entire network is groomed for skating, as there was not enough for a classic track, but the snow is soft and you could set a track yourself on the side. There are a few thin spots beneath some trees….you might find them, when you slow down rather quickly. 🙂 … Read more

Thursday, January 23

A quick groom this afternoon; took out the ruts with the renovator; some classic track is shallow, but it should be good for classic and great fro skating. Enjoy. Stephan

January 19 Trail Conditions

I rolled most of the network this morning. It is good for skating, but I was unable to put a track in. You can of course go classic skiing and make your own track. Enjoy….this is the most snow for Rockway yet.–Stephan

I did a quick grooming to reestablish the classic track throughout the network. The wind will have covered some of them, but they could use a little snow as the base is still thin. Enjoy and head into the woods should the wind be strong. -Stephan

I was selfish today…got up at 6:00 a.m. and went grooming for two hours. Then I went skiing myself, enjoying classic tracks all around the network, while looking at a similar skating lane beside me. One thin spot remains at the tennis court loop at the bottom where the sharp turn is located. A splendid … Read more